
The Crafty Cook C.I.C. is an Devon based Community Interest Company providing basic food preparation and nutrition courses; meal planning and budgeting courses as well as community crafting sessions.For all of our latest Budget Meal tips and ideas click this link...

The Crafty Cook C.I.C.

About Us

The Crafty Cook CIC is run by Clare Blake, a qualified Food and Textiles Teacher.
She lives in Topsham, with her 5 daughters and beautiful saluki cross dog.
Clare originally studied for a BSc.(Hons) in Food and Catering Management before starting work as a Local Authority Environmental Health Technical Officer, enforcing both Food Safety and Health and Safety legislation initially in Kent and latterly in Devon.
After taking a career break to look after her first four children, Clare decided to return to University to complete her PGCE in Design Technology. Food has always been her passion and it was a natural progression to want to help ignite that passion in others.
Following the birth of her fifth child in 2020 Clare found it increasingly challenging to balance the demands of family life and teaching and so set up The Crafty Cook CIC.

The Crafty Cook C.I.C.

Cooking Sessions

What we eat is inextricably linked to our physical and mental wellbeing and yet our hectic lifestyles are now making it increasingly difficult to find the time (or ability) to purchase and cook nutritious foods.These sessions are designed to guide you through the process of selecting, purchasing, and preparing cheap, nutritious ingredients and teaching you the skills to turn them into tasty and filling meals.All equipment and ingredients will be provided and you will be able to take home the dishes you cook.“The link between food and mood has been confirmed by recent randomised clinical trials in humans”, writes Tim Spector, Professor of Genetic Epidemiology at King’s College London, in his book Spoon-Fed.

The Crafty Cook C.I.C.

How it works

Our aim is to build confidence in children, and adults over a period of weeks by teaching basic knife skills, heat transfer methods, basic nutrition, as well as food science.With the aim, that by the time they finish, everyone has the knowledge and confidence to cook a range of dishes and are able to easily adapt these dishes to suit the ingredients they have to hand.All sessions are fun, relaxed and easy going events, with no previous cooking knowledge or experience necessary.The sessions can be run from a purpose built kitchen for groups up to 12. Or alternatively sessions can be run from community centres, village halls etc. as long as there is access to running hot and cold water and electricity.Sessions can be totally tailored to individuals physical needs, or to the specific needs of groups of people.Contact us via the email link below for an informal discussion of your requirements.

The Crafty Cook C.I.C.

Crafting for wellbeing

In addition to the cooking sessions, we also offer group crafting projects.
These sessions are designed around the needs of the group, but aim to teach basic crochet stitches, which then go on to create blankets, scarves, hats and other mini projects, such as the lip balm holder pictured here. All materials are provided and sessions can be run as one off events or as a series of guided lessons.
Michelle Obama sums up the holistic benefits of crafting in her latest book
“It’s the idea that narrowing your focus into a small, seemingly insignificant task can remind us of our own agency. It shows us our own ability to build, create, and succeed. I truly believe that when you know you are capable of small tasks, it makes the bigger ones feel easier. In this case, every small stitch builds into a bigger purpose”